If you’re told to picture a pollinator garden, you’ll probably imagine a sunny patch of wildflowers and not necessarily a single big tree. But although their flowers aren’t as showy as our native perennials, trees are hugely important host plants for a wide variety of butterflies and moths. Native trees typically host way more species […]
Native Trees
On the Trail: Spring Ephemerals vs. Lesser Celandine
Recently I’d been a bit disheartened hiking in some natural wooded areas near my house and seeing invasive bush honeysuckle and lesser celandine taking over and suppressing everything else including the spring ephemerals I love to see at this time of year. One Dayton-area Metropark I enjoy visiting is Wegerzyn Gardens just to the north […]
Thinking Big: Why You Need Trees and Shrubs in Your Native Plant Garden
Many gardeners typically associate the idea of “native plants” with colorful and vibrant wildflowers. But when you’re looking to make a big impact, it’s native trees that give you the most bang for your buck, in multiple ways. Trees perform hugely beneficial functions for our own properties by providing shade. This helps with cooling in […]