We’ve written about the importance of making sure to include host plants in your butterfly gardens, so you can support multiple generations of pollinators rather than just providing a food source for adults passing by. The result of this, of course, is that your goal is to support pollinator larvae, or caterpillars, in your garden. […]
Host Plants
What’s a Host Plant? Why It’s Important to Plant for Caterpillars, Not Just Butterflies
All plants have some baseline ecological benefits. They prevent erosion, keep moisture and nutrients in the soil, and sequester carbon. They also provide shade, shelter, and cover for species ranging from tiny insects to large mammals. But when we talk about the most beneficial plants and trees to plant (or conserve) in a given area, […]
Sedum Ternatum (Woodland Stonecrop), a Great Native, Evergreen Groundcover
Recently I took a walk through my winter garden looking for green. Most of what I saw were invasive groundcovers that are ubiquitous in my area (English ivy, vinca) and other aggressive introduced annuals like purple deadnettle. It’s a good time of the year to get ahead on some weeding without thinking too hard because […]
Red Osier Dogwood (Cornus Sericea) Budding Out in Spring
Recently I was excited to see some new leaves on my red osier dogwood (cornus sericea). These tiny light green leaves will darken as they enlarge to ovals of about 5 inches long. These leaves were spotted right at the beginning of April in SW Ohio. In general, the buds of cornus sericea will leaf […]